Welcome to the latest installment of SHOP , our series examining changes in retail and commerce. Over the course of four weeks, we explored some of the Latest Mailing Database key topics of retail's past, present and future, examining the technologies and behaviors that have enabled – and transformed – shopping as we know it.Present This week, we take a look at how current holiday shopping retail could change forever On the podcast , Dee Reddy talks with Forbes contributor and retail expert Sandy Stein, DPD Ireland CEO Des Travers and Abhin Evanston of An Post. Listen below and read on for our companion article. It's been a year like no other, and its holiday season is shaping up to be just as unusual.
With many stores still closed or operating at reduced capacity to respond to COVID-19 restrictions, retailers – and consumers – have had to move online to Latest Mailing Database respond to new shopping habits that have formed over the past nine months . .Throughout this series, we've seen time and time again how the pandemic has accelerated retail trends that were already underway. But if global events have accelerated the shift to e-commerce by five years ( and they have ), this holiday season is the crucible that will forge those shifts from necessary but temporary adaptations to long-term transformations in the industry. of retail. It's the season Why is the holiday season so critical for retail and commerce? According to the National Retail Foundation (NRF).
an American organization and the largest retail trade association in the world, approximately 20% of all retail sales in the United States come from the holiday season, i.e. say between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In 2019, this translated to $729.1 billion. For many retailers, holiday shopping during this time also represents their biggest annual revenue, meaning their overall success for the fiscal year is intrinsically tied to Latest Mailing Database their seasonal performance. “Consumers have shown they are excited about the holidays and are willing to spend on gifts that lift the spirits of family and friends after such a difficult year” This year, the National Retail Foundation forecasts holiday sales to increase 3.6% to 5.2% from last year, estimating a total value of between $755.3 billion and $766.7 billion. dollars.